Camera plane optics#

After reflection on the primary mirror (and secondary mirror, if dual mirror optics is considered), the photon is traced to the camera focal plane. In the case of dual mirror optics, the focal plane shape of the camera is defined by a polynomial with parameters set by . The pixel positions, grouped by modules, are then defined to exist on this surface and, if the parameter is set to be true, they will also be orientated such that they are aligned with the focal plane (otherwise they are orientated perpendicular to the telescope axis). The coordinates of the pixels are defined by the projection onto the \(x\)\(y\) plane from a curved surface. In the case of single mirror optics the camera focal plane surface is considered flat.

The wavelength dependence transmission of any window or filter in front of the camera body is taken into account (). A two-dimensional data file may be provided to the model in order to take into account both the wavelength and photon incidence angle dependence. As a final step of the optics simulation, the angular acceptance of the pixels, as well as that of the Winston cones (if applicable), is taken into account. The shapes of pixel entrance and unobstructed photo-cathode can be hexagonal, square, or circular. The pixel positions, entrance shape, funnel shape, diameter and depth, as well as angular and wavelength acceptance tables, are given in a separate configuration file, passed to through the parameter. Davies-Cotton parabolic dish