# Parameter Report for North Telescope LSTN-02 (Version 5.0.0) ## LSTN-02 | Parameter Name | Values | Short Description | |----------------|--------|-------------------| | pixeltrg_time_step | 0.0 ns | Time difference between telescope and pixel trigger recording. | | focus_offset | [, , , ] | Distance of the starlight focus from the camera pixels (light guides) entry. | | discriminator_scale_threshold | 1.0 | Discriminator/comparator threshold scale factor. | | qe_variation | 0.03 | None | | nsb_pixel_rate | [0.244985 0.244985 0.244985 ... 0.244985 0.244985 0.244985] GHz | Number of photo-electrons per nanosecond per pixel due to nightsky background. | | photon_delay | 19.0 ns | None | | discriminator_var_sigsum_over_threshold | 0.0 mV ns | None | | discriminator_threshold | 99999.0 mV | None | | focal_length | 2800.0 cm | Nominal overall focal length of the entire telescope. | | fadc_bins | 75 | Number of FADC bins to be simulated. | | fadc_lg_pedestal | 400.0 ct | None | | mirror_class | 0 | Parameter to control the type of mirror used (DC, parabolic or SC). | | asum_clipping | 9999.0 mV | None | | mirror_list | mirror_CTA-N-LST2_v2020-04-07.dat | None | | fadc_lg_err_pedestal | 0.3 ct | Assumed error in initial calibration of pedestal (low-gain channels; affects only the reported pedestal). | | fadc_lg_noise | 5.7 ct | Gaussian r.m.s. spread of white noise per time bin in digitisation (low-gain channels). | | camera_transmission | 1.0 | Global wavelength-independent transmission factor of the camera, including any plexiglass window. | | fadc_max_sum | 16777215.0 ct | The maximum value of a pulse sum produced by hardware pulse summation, in sum mode rather than recording pulse samples. | | flatfielding | True | None | | fadc_sum_offset | 9 | Number of bins before telescope trigger where summing or reading of sampled data starts. | | nsb_offaxis | [, , , , ] | Fall-off of NSB with off-axis angle due to off-axis angle-dependent effective optical area. | | camera_body_shape | 2 | Camera body shape parameter (used to account for effects of shadowing). | | discriminator_output_amplitude | 42.0 mV | The nominal output amplitude of a pixel discriminator as seen at the trigger group coincidence unit. | | fadc_amplitude | 25.0 ct | Peak amplitude above pedestal for a photo electron with average signal. | | discriminator_pulse_shape | pulse_LST_8dynode_pix6_20200204.dat | None | | nsb_autoscale_airmass | [, ] | NSB scaling as function of airmass (zenith angle). | | optics_properties | ray-tracing-North-LST-1-d10.0-za20.0_validate_optics.ecsv | None | | gain_variation | 0.0187 | Fractional gain variation between different photo detectors after adjusting the voltage to have approximately the same gain in all channels. | | discriminator_output_var_percent | 10.0 % | Channel-to-channel variation (Gaussian r.m.s.) of the output amplitude of a pixel discriminator. | | mirror_reflectivity | ref_LST_2020-04-23.dat | None | | hg_lg_variation | 0.0 | None | | fadc_noise | 6.7 ct | Gaussian r.m.s. spread of white noise per time bin in digitisation. | | asum_threshold | 270.0 mV | None | | disc_bins | 68 | Number of time bins used for the discriminator simulation. | | transit_time_calib_error | 0.0 ns | None | | fadc_var_pedestal | 0.4 ct | None | | telescope_transmission | [, , , , , ] | Off-axis angle-dependent transmission, accounting for absorption and shadowing by masts. | | discriminator_fall_time | 1.0 ns | Fall time of the discriminator output after the logical output is reset to false. | | fadc_pulse_shape | pulse_LST_8dynode_pix6_20200204.dat | (F)ADC pulse shape (amplitude vs time). | | fadc_pedestal | 400.0 ct | None | | telescope_random_angle | 0.0 deg | None | | telescope_sphere_radius | 12.5 m | Telescope fiducial sphere radius. | | fadc_max_signal | 4249.0 ct | Maximum value of digitized signal per sample. | | discriminator_var_threshold | 0.2 mV | Channel-to-channel variation of discriminator threshold. | | effective_focal_length | [2930.57 0. 0. 0. 0. ] cm | Effective focal length. Only to be used for image analysis, has no effect on the simulation. | | camera_degraded_map | None | Position-dependent map of degradation factors for the camera efficiency. | | pm_transit_time | [, , , ] | None | | trigger_pixels | 3 | Number of pixels required for single telescope trigger. | | camera_config_file | camera_CTA-LST-234_analogsum21_v2020-04-14.dat | None | | disc_start | 3 | Number of time bins by which the discriminator simulation is ahead of the FADC readout. | | pm_average_gain | 40000.0 | None | | fadc_sum_bins | 40 | Number of bins read out in sampled data or summed up in ADC sum data. Corresponds to the experimental length of the readout window. | | mirror_focal_length | 0.0 cm | Standard focal length of mirror tiles. | | discriminator_var_time_over_threshold | 0.1 ns | None | | array_element_position_utm | [2.17542210e+05 3.18503361e+06 2.17400000e+03] m | UTM coordinate position of an array element. | | teltrig_min_sigsum | 7.8 mV ns | Minimum signal sum at sector trigger over threshold. | | mirror_reflection_random_angle | [, , ] | Gaussian r.m.s. spread of random fluctuations of microscopic reflection angles due to small-scale surface deviations. | | fadc_sysvar_pedestal | 0.04 ct | Systematic common variations of pedestals. | | camera_degraded_efficiency | 1.0 | Camera efficiency degradation factor (wavelength independent). | | array_element_position_ground | [-35.27 66.14 32. ] m | Ground coordinate position of an array element. | | fadc_err_pedestal | 0.5 ct | Assumed error in initial calibration of pedestal (affects only the reported pedestal). | | asum_offset | 0.0 ns | None | | transit_time_compensate_step | 0.0 ns | None | | discriminator_sigsum_over_threshold | 0.0 mV ns | Integrated signal required over threshold. | | mirror_align_random_horizontal | [, , , ] | Gaussian r.m.s. spread of random fluctuations of the mirror alignment angle with respect to nominal alignment in the horizontal component. | | axes_offsets | [, ] | Geometric offsets to be used in case that the azimuth, altitude, and optical axes do not intersect at the reference point. | | mirror_degraded_reflection | 1.0 | Mirror degradation factor (wavelength independent). | | mirror_align_random_vertical | [, , , ] | Gaussian r.m.s. spread of random fluctuations of the mirror alignment angle with respect to nominal alignment in the vertical component. | | teltrig_min_time | 0.5 ns | None | | fadc_lg_compensate_pedestal | -1 | Emulation of FADC pedestal compensation. | | fadc_compensate_pedestal | -1 | Emulation of FADC pedestal compensation. | | default_trigger | AnalogSum | None | | fadc_lg_max_signal | 4288.0 ct | Maximum value of digitized signal per sample (low-gain channels). | | quantum_efficiency | qe_lst2-4_20200318_high+low.dat | None | | mirror_align_random_distance | 0.0 cm | None | | discriminator_gate_length | 2.0 ns | Effective discriminator gate length. | | fadc_var_sensitivity | 0.01416 | None | | fadc_lg_err_compensate_pedestal | -1.0 | R.M.S. error on the pedestal evaluation for the compensation step. | | channels_per_chip | 4 | Number of channels per readout chip. | | fadc_err_compensate_pedestal | 0.0 | R.M.S. error on the pedestal evaluation for the compensation step. | | transit_time_compensate_error | 0.0 ns | None | | mirror_offset | 93.25 cm | Offset of mirror back plane from fixed point of telescope mount or from the altitude rotation axis, along the direction of the optical axis. | | discriminator_rise_time | 1.0 ns | Rise time of the discriminator output. The output signal rises linearly within time frame. | | fadc_ac_coupled | True | AC coupling of the FADCs. | | camera_depth | 0.0 cm | Depth of the camera body (used to account for effects of shadowing). | | discriminator_time_over_threshold | 1.5 ns | Time over threshold required before logic response switches to true. | | dish_shape_length | 2800.0 cm | Dish curvature length, best equal to focal length. | | random_focal_length | [, ] | The spread of random fluctuations in mirror focal lengths. | | fadc_mhz | 1024.0 MHz | None | | trigger_current_limit | 20.0 uA | None | | fadc_lg_var_sensitivity | -1.0 | None | | fadc_lg_sysvar_pedestal | -1.0 ct | Systematic common variations of pedestals (low-gain channels). | | parabolic_dish | True | Parabolic dish shape is used. | | pm_voltage_variation | 0.03 | Fractional high voltage variation, used to adjust the transit time variations ($\propto 1/\sqrt(V)$). | | telescope_axis_height | 16.0 m | None | | fadc_lg_amplitude | 1.28 ct | Peak amplitude above pedestal for a photo electron with average signal (low-gain channels). | | discriminator_var_gate_length | 0.1 ns | Variation of gate length (Gaussian r.m.s). | | transit_time_jitter | 0.7 ns | None | | asum_shaping | None | None | | discriminator_hysteresis | 0.0 mV | Value of the discriminator hysteresis. | | fadc_sensitivity | 1.0 ct / mV | FADC counts per mV voltage. | | telescope_random_error | 0.0 deg | None | | camera_filter | transmission_lst_window_No7-10_ave.dat | Wavelength dependence of the camera transmission, possibly as a function of incidence angle. | | discriminator_amplitude | 6.5 mV | None | | trigger_delay_compensation | [, , , ] | The delay applied to the trigger output to compensate for the different execution times of each trigger algorithm. | | disc_ac_coupled | True | Control AC coupling of the discriminators. | | transit_time_error | 0.0 ns | Errors (r.m.s.) in transit time, not related to high voltage. | | camera_pixels | 1855 | None | | multiplicity_offset | -0.5 | Actual threshold of the telescope trigger, adjusted relative to the number of required pixels. | | pm_gain_index | 3.92 | None | | only_triggered_telescopes | True | Switch to read out non-triggered telescopes. | | pm_collection_efficiency | 1.0 | Photoelectron collection efficiency at the first stage of the photo detector. | | pm_photoelectron_spectrum | spe_LST_2020-05-09_AP2.0e-4.dat | None | | fadc_lg_var_pedestal | 0.4 ct | None | | fadc_lg_sensitivity | -1.0 ct / mV | FADC counts per mV voltage (for low-gain channels). | | num_gains | 2 | None | | lightguide_efficiency_vs_incidence_angle | CTA-LST_lightguide_eff_2020-04-12_average.dat | Lightguide efficiency as a function of incidence angle. | | camera_body_diameter | 348.0 cm | None |