# Introduction Detailed and precise MC modelling of the detection process is the basis for any scientific analysis in ground-based gamma-ray astronomy. This requires a realistic model of the atmospheric conditions and all detector components. The MC tools aim to describe the [CTA]{acronym-label="CTA" acronym-form="singular+short"} telescopes in sufficient detail, taking into account the required precision and computing constrains. This document is part of a series of reports written to support the CTA Pre-Production Design and Deployment Acceptance Plan [@PPDDA]. The process is described in detail, including all the required documentation and verification points, in Ref. [@verMC]. The goal of this process is to verify the consistency between telescope specifications and the models implemented in the CTA simulations framework for telescope light collection, photon detection, electronics and signal processing. The verification process is defined with the following steps [@verMC]: 1. A list of relevant input parameters, as well as a list describing the relevant algorithms, will be prepared by the AS-WG and distributed to each telescope WP. 2. Each WP will match these to their list of performance-relevant telescope specifications and identify missing parameters and/or algorithms. 3. The AS-WG will identify missing specifications needed for high fidelity performance simulation and iterate with each WP to arrive at an agreed mapping of parameters to specifications. Each WP is obligated to provide the missing information and algorithms identified by the AS-WG. 4. The AS-WG and WP will work together to check each item in the list, and independently confirm that the simulation description of that element is adequate for the needs of design compliance verification. This document is part of step 1 and provides a description of the MC model including all parameters and relevant algorithms. It concentrates on the CTA simulation framework as used in the large-scale MC simulation productions (e.g. prod3), consisting of the software packages CORSIKA and  [@Bernlohr:2008kv]. Similar reports are written for all telescope types: LST, MST-FlashCam, MST-NectarCam, MST-Structure, MST-SC, SST-1M, ASTRI, GCT. Where necessary, different reports are produced for pre-design and prototype configurations. # Table of Contents ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 1 Descriptions Model Versions ```